Are Psychics for Real?

Who among you is not curious about what the future holds, which is why most turn to a psychic, however, can they predict the future, or are good mentalists? Psychics can range from people that can claim to see your future, to ones that will provide you with more general guidance. Some say they are able to remove curses, while others claim they can talk to dead relatives.

Always take fortune-telling with a large dose of salt

Many psychics you find online do have a disclaimer saying “for entertainment purposes only.” That is a bit like a double-edged sword, and you need to know this before working with a psychic. Basically, if you take advice based on what a psychic tells you, you will not be allowed to go back and sue if they lose a bunch of your money on the stock market, or do not get a medical condition treated. Never allow a psychic to influence life decisions no matter how “gifted” they say they are.

Second, take any “future” predictions with a large grain of sense salt, metaphorically speaking. There have been various high-profile cases, some resulting in jail time and major damages brought up against fraudulent psychics, that run huge scams that target desperate people. Psychics will frequently use human psychology to tell you exactly what you want to hear.

The good news is some psychics do reading that is not predictive and more guidance-based, pointing to areas in your life you can focus on and cultivate in order for you to meet any goals or objectives. These psychics, commonly referred to as esoteric practitioners, are not looking to predict your future, as much as helping you to understand your current situation through spiritual or metaphysical forces.

For more details on our services, please do not hesitate to contact us at this number (773) 498-6724, to make an appointment with Psychic Readings by Kitty, we are based in the Chicago, IL area.