A Reputable Chakra Healer Tells How to Unblock Chakras

Sometimes, it’s not so obvious why your life isn’t what you expect it to be. One possible reason could be a blocked chakra or chakras. The chakra healer behind Psychic Readings by Kitty, based in Chicago, IL, explains the reasons why the different chakras can get blocked and how to unblock them.

  1. The first chakra means grounding. It is associated with the element earth and the astrological signs Capricorn, Taurus, Virgo. It is blocked when we are not connected with Mother Earth. This can result in problems ranging from joint paint to reduced vitality. Walking barefoot can help unblock this chakra.

  2. The second chakra is associated with the astrological signs Pisces, Cancer, and Scorpio. Element – water. When it is blocked, it causes a range of problems ranging from bladder difficulties to jealousy. You can heal it if you immerse yourself in water for about half an hour.

  3. The third chakra is ruled by the element fire and its corresponding astrological signs – Aries, Leo, Saggitarius. When blocked – it may cause a variety of issues – from diabetes to low self-respect. Cure it with a walk outside in the early morning sun

  4. The fourth chakra, element – air; astrological signs – Gemini, Libra, Aquarius. An imbalanced heart chakra causes feelings of loneliness and despair, high blood pressure. It can be healed with unconditional love. That of your pet, for example.

  5. A blocked 5th chakra means issues with self- expression. How to heal it: find a way of self-expression, like journaling, for example.

  6. .Sixth chakra, the third eye – the place of intuition. When imbalanced, it can cause us to become delusional, unimaginative, can be healed with meditation and prayer.

  7. The seventh chakra belongs to the higher self. When blocked, it can result in spiritual addiction or over-intellectualizing.

Transform your life with Chakra Healer

These are only the “first-aid” solutions you can apply to heal blocked chakra. For more dependable and lasting results, turn to the chakra healer of Psychic Readings by Kitty, in Chicago, IL. Call (773) 498-6724 for more information.